Minor clashes broke out between protesters and law enforcement in Sheikh Jarrah on Sunday.
The opposing Palestinian and Israeli protesters had gathered after far-right Knesset MP Itamar Ben-Gvir opened a temporary office at the location in the flashpoint district.
The Religious Zionism party member arrived at the site due to a Jewish home being firebombed over the weekend. Additional clashes reportedly broke out following the attack, responsibility for which has not yet been claimed.
Minor clashes broke out between protesters and law enforcement in Sheikh Jarrah on Sunday.
The opposing Palestinian and Israeli protesters had gathered after far-right Knesset MP Itamar Ben-Gvir opened a temporary office at the location in the flashpoint district.
The Religious Zionism party member arrived at the site due to a Jewish home being firebombed over the weekend. Additional clashes reportedly broke out following the attack, responsibility for which has not yet been claimed.
Minor clashes broke out between protesters and law enforcement in Sheikh Jarrah on Sunday.
The opposing Palestinian and Israeli protesters had gathered after far-right Knesset MP Itamar Ben-Gvir opened a temporary office at the location in the flashpoint district.
The Religious Zionism party member arrived at the site due to a Jewish home being firebombed over the weekend. Additional clashes reportedly broke out following the attack, responsibility for which has not yet been claimed.